Bridgeman Team

The story of Britain’s first home for abandoned children

The extraordinary story of how one man’s vision and perseverance improved the lives of the most...

Degas + Copeland…Crazy / Beautiful

What happens when you combine one of the greatest painters of our time with one of the greatest...

Around the World with Bridgeman

A new year is starting. Time to reflect on where we come from and where we want to go. The...

Pantone Colours of the year 2016: Rose Quartz & Serenity

“Colors this season transport us to a happier, sunnier place where we feel free to express a...

Art Basel Miami: The Good. The Bad. The…oh, so ugly.

“How much is this and what’s the edition?” – Screamed a woman across a gallery space. Alright...

Spend a Night with The Godfather

“Italians have a little joke, that the world is so hard a man must have two fathers to look after...

Jungle Fever: Design Trends For 2016

I thought it would be interesting to look at the big cultural happenings of the year using the...

Death and Memory: Soane and the Architecture of Legacy

Death and mortality were recurring themes in the life and work of renowned Regency architect Sir...

Handmade in Britain: Top 10 Gifts for Him and Her

What better way to show someone you care this Christmas than by presenting them with a...

Dora Holzhandler

George Swinford, the husband of the much loved artist, Dora Holzhandler has informed us that she...

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