Bridgeman Team

Relax with Yoko Honda: Success for 2015 Bridgeman Studio Award Winner

Taking inspiration from retro pop culture, this Japanese artist brings the disco era back to...

Vintage bicycle posters

First printed around 1895, vintage bicycle posters originated in countries including France,...

The Mastermind of Magic: Harry Houdini

Before blockbusters, before stunts and special effects, there were magicians. People that could...

Batman vs. Superman? Who’s your hero? Explore the incredible visual history of American superheroes.

First, a bit of history: Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice is a follow-up to 2013’s Man of...

1945: Celebrate! End of war in Europe

8 May 1945 was Victory in Europe (VE) Day, and it marked the formal conclusion of Hitler’s war....

Football: Our Beautiful Game

Dive into the history of England’s football glory with the National Football Museum’s collection...

Bridgeman Studio Award 2016 Podcast

You did know we were running a competition to design a cover for a major publisher, didn’t you?

A brief history of early photography

Photography is coming of age as an aesthetic discipline. Now in its second year, Photo London...

Controlling the State: Chinese Propaganda Posters

Traditionally, Chinese political culture has used the arts to control behavior and thought. This...

A “Night” to remember for one contemporary artist

Imagine looking up at the top shelf in your local bookstore and seeing best-selling author...

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