Bridgeman Images Blog

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History (10)

Astronauts Vs. Cosmonauts: The Great Space Race

Archival footage captures the head-to-head battle between America’s astronauts and the Soviet...

Decades of Fashion, in Footage

Have you got a ticket for the upcoming A/W catwalks this September? …Can you get us a seat next...

Happy Birthday Nelson Mandela

18th July 1918, is the birth date of one of the most influential leaders of our time. Nelson...

Creating Something from Nothing: Our Favorite Inventors

It takes a one-of-a-kind mind to be able to take an idea and make it a reality. Below, we’ve put...

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave…

This year’s Fourth of July celebrations marks the 241st anniversary of the United States adopting...

Celebrating the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen, the new face of the £10 note

The 18th of July 2017 will mark two centuries since the death of one of England’s most famous and...

Happy First Day of Summer! Celebrate This Year’s Summer Solstice

“If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god” Napoleon...

Art Scandals: Our Top Five

The art world is full of scandal and, as the 50th anniversary of the attempted murder of Andy...

The Stories behind the Bedrooms

Whether you’re royalty or struggling to make ends meet we all need to sleep and therefore need a ...

Charlie Chaplin: 40 years on

This year Christmas day brings with it the 40th anniversary of Charlie Chaplin‘s death. A man who...

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