Bridgeman Images Blog

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Art (18)

Peaks and Glaciers 2017: paintings, drawings and photographs of the Alps

Explore beautiful mountain imagery at John Mitchell Fine Paintings gallery in London Our...

Art for the people: Soviet art under investigation

After the Communist revolution in 1917, the new government took control of the art establishment...

Are these the best paintings of spring in the history of art?

Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’ Robin Williams Spring has finally sprung and the...

Top 10 Viking Facts You Must Know

Let’s count down the top 10 facts about these 8th-12th century Scandinavians with images from our...

Gustav Klimt: 100 years

In today’s art community, Austrian painter Gustav Klimt‘s stunningly sumptuous images are...

Mary Fedden OBE RA (1915-2012)

Look back at the celebrated British artist’s career and pick out a few observations on her style,...

Beautiful Bodies

From voluptuous curves to corseted waists, the female body has been celebrated in all shapes and...

Angela Easterling: Exposing Nature

Featured on Bridgeman Gallery, the Bridgeman Studio platform selling original art via ...

The Ploughman Poet: Robert Burns

Raise a toast to Scotland’s favourite son this Burns Night (25 January) Robert Burns was born...

Guerrilla Girls: How Sexist is the Art World?

Do women have to be naked to get into the Met. Museum? Less than 4% of the artists in the...

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