Tori Fetner

Creating Something from Nothing: Our Favorite Inventors

It takes a one-of-a-kind mind to be able to take an idea and make it a reality. Below, we’ve put...

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave…

This year’s Fourth of July celebrations marks the 241st anniversary of the United States adopting...

The American Constitution’s 230th Birthday

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice,...

BPP: The Black Panther Party

On October 15, 1966, American political activists Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale founded the...

Unsure Futures: America in the 1930s

“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is…fear...

Fidel Castro: Communist, Revolutionary, President

Friday, December 2nd of this year marked the 40th anniversary of Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro...

American Presidency: Who’s Got Your Vote?

The month of November this year is a drastically important one for the American people. Tuesday,...

The Statue of Liberty: 130 Years

October 28th of this year marks the 130th anniversary of the day the 22nd (as well as the 24th)...

Celebrating 100 Years of National Parks Service

Time flies when your job is to maintain and preserve the national parks of the United States. The...

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