Bridgeman Team

The London Metropolitan Archive

The London Metropolitan Archive contains almost half a million extraordinary photographs and...

Capturing Saint Petersburg

Step back in time through photography to Russia’s heart of culture on the brink of revolution. ...

Mucha: The Allure of the Poster

Czech artist Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) made his name in fin de siècle Paris, where he shot to...

A bird’s-eye view of Shakespeare’s county

The Sheldon Tapestry Map of Warwickshire is the only complete survivor from a set of four...

When Valentine’s cards made sense

Every February my kids’ teachers send me a long list of names: 50 classmates in total, in case my...

8 things you may not know about Sir John Soane’s Museum

The house-museum of Sir John Soane (1753-1837) – English architect, Royal Academician and avid...

5 little-known facts about Magna Carta

June 2015 marked the 800th year anniversary since King John of England put his seal to the ‘Great...

Some Unusual Facts about the American Civil War

Some interesting and unusual facts about “The War of Rebellion” every history trivia buff should...

10 Iconic British Football Moments

Let’s celebrate the ‘beautiful game’ with a chronological countdown of 10 iconic moments in...

Are these the best paintings of spring in the history of art?

Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’ Robin Williams Spring has finally sprung and the...

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