Thanksgiving: What’s your favorite holiday tradition?

Approaching one of the most cherished holidays in the United States, Thanksgiving, the Bridgeman New York team are feeling thankful for our favorite holiday treats and traditions. Happy Turkey Day!

Historic Harvest Feast

Dating back to the first European settlers on the continent, the first Thanksgiving was the celebration of the European Pilgrims‘ first harvest in the New World. Settling their differences for three days, the Pilgrim settlers and the Native American people shared in a feast as thanks for their harvest. It was not until over 200 years later in 1863 that President Abraham Lincoln declared the day a national holiday.

The First Thanksgiving / Jean Leon Gerome Ferris

The First Thanksgiving / Jean Leon Gerome Ferris

What’s your favorite holiday tradition?


My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is running the 5 mile Turkey Trot with my Mom…and then stuffing my face! – Elizabeth Weber, Assistant Account Manager.

Modern Thanksgiving traditions center around the family and loved ones. The sentiment of giving thanks is still strong on Thanksgiving day with many offering their time to charitable causes and attending religious services.

Give Us This Day Our Turkey Postcard / Lake County Discovery Museum

Give Us This Day Our Turkey Postcard / Lake County Discovery Museum


This year my family is all making individual dishes to bring to Thanksgiving dinner; I’m excited to try something new for the holidays. – Amanda Gaspari, Senior Account Manager

One tradition we all look forward to on Thanksgiving is the food! Traditionally made up of seasonal foods, reminiscent of the feast between the Pilgrims and Native Americans, American’s around the country load up their plates with sweet potato, cranberries, fall vegetables, and most importantly, turkey! And who can choose between pumpkin or apple pie?! Maybe we will just have both…

At our house it’s all about the mash potatoes, they’re my favorite! – Leslie Wong, Junior Account Manager

Left: Untitled / F.C. Harrison / Manchester Art Gallery Right: Three Chefs / Universal History Archive

Left: Untitled / F.C. Harrison / Manchester Art Gallery
Right: Three Chefs / Universal History Archive


I love to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV. I’ve never been brave enough to brace the crowds and the cold to watch it in person, maybe next year?” – Annie Conduit Shatzkes, Marketing Executive

The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City is an annually anticipated event nationwide. Since 1924, the streets of Manhattan are filled with the infamous giant floats and balloons of well-known characters and Christmas favorites to stir the festive spirit.

Left: Thanksgiving Day Parade / © Animas Riverrun Image Right: Thanksgiving Day Parade / Underwood Archives

Left: Thanksgiving Day Parade / © Animas Riverrun Image
Right: Thanksgiving Day Parade / Underwood Archives


My favorite part of Thanksgiving is falling asleep on the couch while my Dad and brothers watch the football games. – Melissa Goldstein, Assistant Account Manager

Parades are by no means the only reason to huddle around the TV on Thanksgiving Thursday. No, that would be Football! From the three traditional NFL games hosted by the Detroit Lions, the Dallas Cowboys and one other home team, to the weekend of college teams defending their titles, everyone has someone to root for over the holiday. Don’t forget to set your fantasy line up!

Left: Navy Quarterback Staubach / Underwood Archives Right: Giants-Colts / Daniel Bennett Schwartz / Lahr & Partners for Daniel B Schwartz

Left: Navy Quarterback Staubach / Underwood Archives
Right: Giants-Colts / Daniel Bennett Schwartz / Lahr & Partners for Daniel B Schwartz

Find out more

View more Thanksgiving Images.

Read more about American holidays in Columbus Day: An International Holiday and The Art of Independence Day.

All images in this article are sourced from Contact the Bridgeman sales team at for more information regarding licensing, reproduction and copyright.



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