Napoleon Bonaparte has been described by many as full of life, energetic, intelligent and forward. Napoleon’s gaze directed towards the audience, whilst standing next to Marilyn Monroe, asserts his position as powerful and dominant. Napoleon’s character has been played by a variety of actors, all bring different qualities to his persona. Factual or fiction, film is a way to bring Napoleon to the centre for a modern viewer.

Image of Marion Brando on set, he plays Napoleon Bonaparte in the movie: ‘Desiree’ and M. Monroe : ‘Theres No Business Like Show Business’ (b/w photo) © Diltz / Bridgeman Images
Image of actor Albert Dieudonné playing Napoleon I in Napoleon 1927 Directed By Abel Gance © Films Abel Gance / Diltz / Bridgeman Images

Image of a film still presenting a scene at the Battle of Waterloo, a man lies injured on the ground with Napoleon standing above him with an assertive manner, actor is Rod Steiger © Dino de Laurentiis Cinematografica/Mosfilm / Collection CSFF / Bridgeman Images

Image of a film still depicting an older Napoleon staring out of a carriage window with a contemplative gaze, Napoleon is here played by actor Rod Steiger © Dino de Laurentiis Cinematografica / Mosfilm / Collection CSFF / Bridgeman Images

Image showing Napoleon and a general at the Battle of Waterloo,staring out into the left distance, the general uses a telescope presumably to see the opposition ahead, © Dino de Laurentiis Cinematografica/Mosfilm / Collection CSFF / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon I at the Battle of Waterloo, he stands by a table with an open map, horses and soldiers appear in the background. The clouds are grey and atmospheric. The actor that plays Napoleon I is Rod Steiger. © Dino de Laurentiis Cinematografica/Mosfilm / Collection CSFF / Bridgeman Images

Image of a film still, Napoleon raises a glass, his general stares the glass with a smile. A sense of victory is present. Troops can be seen in the right background. The film was directed by directed by Sergey Bondarchuk in 1970 © Dino de Laurentiis Cinematografica/Mosfilm / Everett Collection / Bridgeman Images

Image of Josephine & Napoleon, Napoleon shows affection to his wife with a kiss on the cheek.Austerlitz (The Battle of Austerlitz) d'Abel Gance avec Pierre Mondy (Napoleon) et Martine Carol (Josephine) 1960 © Bridgeman Images
Image of a film still from the film silencieux. Napoleon is shown here in side profile. Napoleon is played by French actor Albert Dieudonne in the 1927 Film. © Bridgeman Images

Image of Napoleon with a fist in hand, looking outwards as if he has conjured an excellence thought. EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES, Ian Holm, 2002 (c) Paramount. Courtesy Everett Collection.© Everett Collection / Bridgeman Images

Image of a film still depicting Napoleon Directed in a film by Sacha Guitry, 1954, © Films C.L.M./ Filmsonor / Francinex / Rizzoli Film / Diltz / Bridgeman Images
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