Is it really Christmas if you haven’t…


The festive season is upon us! To get in the spirit, tick off our checklist for all your Christmas must-dos.

1. Had a food coma

Christmas is the time for adding a few extra rolls to your plate (and your stomach). It wouldn’t be Christmas if you didn’t overindulge on mince pies, Xmas pudding and that epic roast dinner.


Admiral magazine advert (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Private Collection / © The Advertising Archives / Bridgeman Images


2. Drunk too much

‘Tis the season to be jolly, after all! Would it be Christmas if you hadn’t had at least one hazy morning and not remembered what you said? Whether it’s mulled wine, champers or a nice warm brew, the more the merrier!


Book illustration, 1932 (colour litho), Icart, Louis (1888-1950) / Private Collection / © The Advertising Archives / Bridgeman Images


3. Watched a festive film

We all have our favourites, from It’s a Wonderful Life to Die Hard.  December is the time to curl up on the sofa and feel festive. Sadly, all that goes out the window when the little ones are about. Enjoy another year of watching Frozen… on repeat.


Magnavox Magazine Advert, 1940s (litho), American School, (20th century) / Private Collection / © The Advertising Archives / Bridgeman Images


4. Sung a Christmas Carol, terribly

Whether it’s Christmas Carollers at your door, the local nativity or TV, you’ve enjoyed a little sing-along to Away In A Manger, or something a bit more contemporary…


Front cover of ‘John Bull’, 31st December 1955 (colour litho), English School, (20th century) / Private Collection / © The Advertising Archives / Bridgeman Images


5. Embarrassed yourself at the office party

Had a few too many drinks and said the wrong thing? Decided that it’s the right time to perfect your Mariah Carey rendition at the work karaoke night? Had an awkward (and brief) office romance? Cringing and avoiding eye contact with your colleagues the following morning is all part and parcel of the annual get-together.


Illustration from magazine, 1951 (colour litho), English School, (20th century) / Private Collection / © The Advertising Archives / Bridgeman Images


6. Spent time with your loved ones

It is that special time of year where you reconnect with your loved ones, sharing fond memories and pulling crackers together. Although it always ends in at least one argument about who got who what, you wouldn’t have Christmas with the family any other way.


Front cover of ‘John Bull’, December 1957 (colour litho), Petts, Kenneth John (1907-92) / Private Collection / © The Advertising Archives / Bridgeman Images


7. Panic bought Christmas gifts

We’ve all been there: the clock is ticking, the shops are rammed and after running out of thoughtful gift ideas panic-buy mode sets in. I’m sure lactose-intolerant Auntie Jane will love that cheese board!


Front cover of ‘John Bull’, December 1953 (colour litho), English School, (20th century) / Private Collection / © The Advertising Archives / Bridgeman Images


8. Treated yourself

All that present-hunting has left you itching for a treat of your own. Go on, it is Christmas!


Illustration from ‘John Bull’, 1953 (colour litho), English School, (20th century) / Private Collection / © The Advertising Archives / Bridgeman Images


9. Been a bit of a Scrooge

There’s always that one moment where the festive cheer doesn’t feel quite as jolly. You’ve heard I Wish It Could Be Christmas one time too many and you are one mince pie away from cancelling Christmas. It’s okay to embrace your inner Scrooge every now and then. Bah! Humbug!


Front Cover of ‘John Bull’, January 1958 (colour litho), English School, (20th century) / Private Collection / © The Advertising Archives / Bridgeman Images


10. Relaxed

It really isn’t Christmas if you haven’t put your feet up and relaxed. Just for one moment, enjoy doing nothing.


Front Cover of ‘John Bull’, 1958 (colour litho), English School, (20th century) / Private Collection / © The Advertising Archives / Bridgeman Images


All content is sourced from Advertising Archive collection in the Bridgeman archive.  Contact our sales team on if you need help sourcing anything from the archive.

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