When will I be famous? Guess the celebrity from their picture as a child

Famous Kids, Part I – Actors

During a (very busy) Monday afternoon I came across some images of famous kids in the Bridgeman Images archive and started to collect them in a light box.

I found this fun to do so it felt right to share this lovely activity with you today.

See how many you can guess and if you get stuck or what to make sure you have the correct answer simply click the image. I’ve added a quote above each image to give you a clue. Good luck and enjoy!


 1   “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!”audrey-hepburn-child-photo-600x400

 2   “If I had to choose between a great acting job and a good directing job, I’d choose the directing job.”ron-howard-child-photo-600x400

3   “The crime of loving is forgetting.”maurice-chevalier-photo-child-copy-600x400

4  ” Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.”marilyn-monroe-photo-as-child-600x400

5  “Marriage is a great institution.”liz-taylor-child-photo-600x400

6   “Age is just a number. It’s totally irrelevant unless, of course, you happen to be a bottle of wine.”joan-collins-photo-child-portrait-copy-600x400

7   “Acting deals with very delicate emotions. It is not putting up a mask. Each time an actor acts he does not hide; he exposes himself.”jeanne-moreau-child-photo-copy-600x400

8   ” Frank called me one day and said, ‘I have an idea for a movie, why don’t you come over and I’ll tell you?’ So I went over and we sat down and he said, ‘This picture starts in heaven’. That shook me.”james-stuart-photo-as-child-600x400

9  ” Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.”james-dean-photo-child-600x400

10  ” You don’t have to be married to have a good friend as your partner for life. “greta-garbo-photo-child-600x400

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