Politics throughout history

Voters don’t decide issues, they decide who will decide issues

— George Will, Journalist


Our archive of exclusive footage clips is growing all the time so there is always something new to discover.

We offer free research, so please contact us if you need help sourcing anything from the archive. In the meantime, why not take a look at some highlights below?


Politics – a word with multiple connotations and associations, and not all of them pleasant. Discover some political flashpoints and controversies from throughout history below, or for something more lighthearted discover our Politics in Images and Politics in Film articles online.

Unsure what kind of political content you want to focus on? See footage from across history of individual politicians, dictators and more in our Famous Faces Showreel.


Women’s Rights

The Representation of the People Act in 1918 enabled women over the age of 30 to vote for the first time and paved the way for universal suffrage ten years later. It was the catalyst for several significant milestones on the track towards democratic equality. Discover footage of the remarkable suffragettes in action – one stage of many in the path to equal voting rights.



Our War footage from the 20th century is one of our archive’s strongest areas, with large amounts of content from most major wars and battles. Fascinating insights of real battles – captured on film forever – as well as staged rallies and propaganda can be found here.



Historic conferences of all kinds are covered in the archive. These fleeting moments of history can be watched as many times as one desires. Highlights include the competition JFK faced on his election and the Cairo/Potsdam conferences.


India’s Independence

The partition of India was a controversial time, both in India and in the UK. Discover here footage from a period of history which should be more discussed, and still raises heated debate to this day.


Presidency in the US

There is footage, both personal and public of many of the US Presidents from throughout history. Speeches and prominent events can be viewed, but this collection also holds intimate scenes as well, such as home video type footage of the Kennedy Family on holiday.


Marches, Parades and Rallies

Armies from all countries can be seen in formation in these clips, but parades, fates and rallies of a more pleasing nature can also be found. Content covering Hitler and the rise of the Nazis makes up a large portion of footage here.



Historic icons such as Lenin and Trotsky can be found in the Communism footage archive, as well as clips of Stalin and the Russian army from Soviet propaganda of the time.


The Berlin Wall

The fall of the Berlin wall and the events leading up to its construction are covered in the archive, offering a fascinating insight into the lives of those who lived through it at that turbulent point in history.


The Houses of Parliament

Throughout history the Houses of Parliament have stood beside Big Ben in central London. We present footage featuring this prominent political icon in the UK, from the 1800s to the present day.




Read More

The Land of the Free: The History of July 4th Celebrations in the US


Banner Image: Iran / Persia: Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill (left to right). The ‘Big Three’ at the Tehran Conference, 28 November – 1 December 1943 / Pictures from History / Bridgeman Images


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