A Collection of Ancient Egyptian Tombs

The Valley of the Kings is famous for its discoveries of elaborate ancient Egyptian tombs. The ancient Egyptians believed in immortality after death. They were well known for their series of specific rituals which included mummifying the body, creating burials which contained specific grave goods and casting magic spells. In this article we will take a look at a series of complex ancient Egyptian tombs. We will look at their decorative beautiful frescoes, impressive structural designs and their surroundings!

The tomb of Mentuemhat is located in El-Assasif, on the west bank of the river Nile opposite Luxor. Mentuemhat was an ancient Egyptian official, the 4th Prophet of Amun, Mayor of Thebes, Governor of Upper Egypt. Mentuemhat served during the reigns of Taharqa and Psamtik I. 

Image of Egyptian antiquite: view of the first hall of the tomb of Mentuemhat, Prince of Thebes (TT34). 26th dynasty. 667-525 BC. necropolis of Thebes, West Bank, Luxor, Egypt, Egyptian 26th Dynasty (664-525 BC) / Egyptian, © Luisa Ricciarini / Bridgeman Images

The KV 63 tomb recently opened in the Valley of the Kings. Initially the tomb was thought to be royal but it is now believed to have been a storage chamber for the mummification process. Seven wooden coffins and many large storage jars have been found in the chamber. Dr Otto Schaden found the tomb in 2005 with his team of archaeologists. 

LRP780979, Discovery of the tomb KV 63 in Valley of the Kings, Egypt, hd, © Laboratoriorosso / Bridgeman Images

This footage below shows a painting in the Seti I’s tomb. Seti I was a pharaoh of the New Kingdom Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt. He was also the son of Ramesses I and Sitre. The tomb of Seti I is titled KV17. It is one of the finest decorated tombs in the Valley of Kings. 

LRP955408, Tomb of Seti I - KV17 - Painting in the unfinished room, © Laboratoriorosso / Bridgeman Images

The Karnak Temple complex comprises a mix of chapels, pylons, temples and other buildings near Luxor in Egypt. The complex was constructed during the reign of Senusret I in the Middle Kingdom around 2000 - 1700 BC. The main place of worship of the Eighteenth Dynasty Theban Triad is located around the area of Karnak. 

Image of Karnak temple complex. Late 19th century photograph. Located on the east bank of the Nile River in Thebes (modern Luxor), Karnak temple complex,  © Lebrecht History / Bridgeman Images

To round off this article we will take a look at the spectacular view of the Valley of Kings. Leaving us to question, what other miraculous hidden tombs/ temples are there left to discover! 

Image of Egyptian Antiquite: View of the Valley of Kings, West Nile Valley, Thebes Luxor, Egypt, Deir El-Bahri, Thebes, Egypt © Luisa Ricciarini / Bridgeman Images


Read more about Ancient Egypt Art here or find out more about Howard Carter, the archaeologist who found the entrance to Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s tomb with his men.







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