Apparently it’s Hallowe’en this month?? Again?? Here are some independent women that the patriarchy just couldn’t handle… awards based on badness and relevance to Beyonce songs.
A horned witch, (oil on canvas), French School, (18th century) / Private Collection / Archives Charmet / Bridgeman Images
Circe, 1881, Hermans, Charles (1839-1924) / Private Collection / Photo © Christie’s Images / Bridgeman Images
Women Selling Offerings Used in Ancient Inca Rites, La Paz Department, Bolivia (photo), . / Peter Langer/Design Pics/UIG / Bridgeman Images
La Carcasse : A Witch Being Drawn On The Skeleton Of A Monster, pre c.1620 (oil on copper), Ribera, Jusepe de (c.1590-1652) / Apsley House, The Wellington Museum, London, UK / © Historic England / Bridgeman Images
“Instead of the four children what did she behold” (from the Children of Lir) (colour litho), Theaker, Harry George (1873-1954) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images
Malle Babbe (Witch of Haarlem), 1633-1635 (oil on canvas), Hals, Frans (1582/3-1666) / De Agostini Picture Library / Bridgeman Images
Maggie Smith in ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’, 2002 (photo), . / Bridgeman Images
Circe, c.1889 (oil on canvas), Barker, Wright (1864-1941) / © Bradford Art Galleries and Museums, West Yorkshire, UK / Bridgeman Images
Circe Invidiosa, 1892 (oil on canvas), Waterhouse, John William (1849-1917) / Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia / Bridgeman Images
The Baba Yaga, 1942 (pen & ink on paper), Nowak-Njechornski, Mercin (Martin Nowak-Neumann or Neumann-Nechern) (1900-90) / Bridgeman Images
Dulle Griet (Mad Meg) raiding Hell (oil on panel) by Ryckaert, David III (1612-61); 47.5×63 cm; Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria
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